Building Climate Resilience Communities (BCRC) Project:


  • Improve climate resilience contributing to food, nutrition, livelihood security of households.
  • Enhance agriculture income through value chain approach.
  • Diversifying rural income and women entrepreneurship

Key Outcomes:

  • Villages with improved climate resilience
  • Communities diversified food production and consumption for better nutrition.
  • Higher crop productivity/production/income over baseline.
  • Increased market returns for producer by engaging with farmer collectives.
  • Strengthening existing income sources and promotion of additional income sources.
  • Financial independence for women and increased role in decision making.


Watershed CCA Project: (Ghodaj, Umraj, Lakh Kh and Kedarwadgaon)


  • Improving adaptation to climate variability / change in farm sector with better
  • management and maintenance of soil and water regime enabling better crop / pasture
  • land productivity and resultant increase in income of small and marginal farmers.
  • Promoting climate resilient farming system and diversification of livelihoods engaging
  • community and their associations in the concrete adaptation pathway.
  • Reducing climate change vulnerability and process of marginalization with integration of
  • risk mitigation products, like crop, weather and market advisory; and information system.

Key Outcome of the Projects:

  • Adaptive capacity of the communities in watersheds is strengthened and their vulnerability to climate change is reduced.