
  1. Instructional Farm: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sagroli, has been endowed with 21.17 ha land. With good irrigation and other facilities. Utilization of the land is as follows

Sr. No.

Particular Area (Ha.)



Under Building


The administrative building, Farmers hostel, Dairy Farm, etc


Demonstration units


Playhouse, 2 shade nets, sericulture, Goat unit, Poultry unit, etc


Under crops


Seed production of the Kharif and rabi agronomical crops


Under Horticulture


— Organic Vegetables (2 acres)

— Commercial fruit orchards of custard apple, guava, mango, anola, ber, etc




— Agronomical crops, vegetable, fodder crops (2 Acres)

— Fruit crops (20 Reach): Anola, Ber, Drumstick, papaya, guava, K.lime, Orange, Sapota, Custard apple, Date palm,




Farm pond of 1.5 Crore liter capacity.


  1. Demonstration of the technologies: Before the transfer of the technologies, they are being demonstrated on the Krishi Vigyan Kendra farm to get location specificity and adaptability in the district. Krishi Vigyan Kendra has planted all the orchards that can be taken and are being taken by the farmers. Technologies as, climate-resilient technologies, varietal differences, cropping systems as intercropping, paired row method, irrigation methods as drip, sprinkler, soil and water conservation technologies as mulching, dead furrow, BBF, bore well recharge, Integrated Pest Management, cultivation method of the cash crops as turmeric and ginger, use of the balanced fertilizer based on soil testing, etc.
  2. Crop Cafeteria: Since the inception of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, a crop cafeteria of the agronomical crop, vegetable, fodder, and fruit crops are being demonstrated on 4 acres of land. 4 to 5 varieties of each crop, plant protection technologies, fertilizer application, microclimate modifications under polypropylene protection for vegetables.
  3. Animal component: Demonstration of the closed herd cattle unit, goat rearing, poultry rearing, use of hydroponics, Azola as feed supply for nutrient supply for cattle demonstrated in Krishi Vigyan Kendra farm as demonstration units.
  4. Training cum Demonstration units: different technologies are demonstrated in Krishi Vigyan Kendra used for the handholding during vocational training and supply of inputs not available in the market as bio-products, seed, and sapling, etc. Processing, sericulture, goat, soil and water testing, farm mechanization with farm tools and equipment through Custom hiring Centre, etc.